Preparing Your Home for a Revamp

Preparing Your Home for a Revamp

As home interior trends are changing at the speed of light, there can be a bit of a scramble to constantly keep up with the very latest trends. With 2019 coming to an end, plenty of new emerging trends are coming through, and we can sense you’re already itching to make wholesale changes to your home’s interior.

Whilst it can be tempting to jump straight into giving your home a revamp, there are a few things you need to consider before making any changes to any room within your home, especially when it comes to your kitchen or bathroom. As the old saying goes, fail to prepare, prepare to fail.

Assess Your Needs

Before you start ripping everything out of your kitchen or bathroom, it’s essential that you assess your needs appropriately. Whilst it can be easy to rush out and purchase all of the very latest products to start installing in your home, this can lead to complications down the line. If you haven’t fully taken into consideration the amount of time your task will take to carry out, you could find yourself living in a building site for the foreseeable future; this is less than ideal when you are completely revamping a key room like your kitchen or bathroom.

The first step you should take when looking to make a change to any room in your home is to take measurements of key areas, such as the floor and walls; this is especially important if you are looking to install new tiles in your home. Taking the time to ensure that you have a rough estimate of how much material you’ll need to complete the project is vital. If you under- or overestimate just how many supplies you need to complete your project, you can end up with a real headache. You could end up trying to gather everything you need to finish off the work in a hurry or having an abundance of excess materials you have no need for.

It’s also worth considering, whether you really need to completely revamp a given room. Whilst it is great to continually stay on trend, you’ll be fighting a losing battle if you’re constantly fighting to install the very latest interior trends in your home. Take some time to assess your home’s needs and make any renovations accordingly; don’t fall into the trap of making blanket changes for the sake of it.

Search for Inspiration Online

After fully assessing your needs, you will probably have a good idea of a particular style you are looking to incorporate into your home, but may be a little unsure of how to approach your revamp. A fantastic way of getting your creative juices flowing is to search online for some inspiration, as there is a wealth of ideas both on interior design websites and social media.

You could simply opt to have a browse through Instagram or Pinterest to find some interior design ideas you may be interested in incorporating into your home. You could also take a look at some interior design-based blogs to find out what styles are in, and how you can seamlessly fit these into your home. There are so many fantastic resources that you can find online today, we guarantee this will help to inspire your next home renovation.

Set a Budget & Be Realistic

Our final and perhaps most important tip is to set a budget and be realistic about what you’re expecting the finished product to look like. We can’t stress just how important it is to set a budget and stick to it, as failing to do so can lead to all sorts of complications towards the end of your project. For example, if you’re looking to completely overhaul your kitchen, this will require a significant budget to carry out the necessary work to a high standard, so be sure to over-budget in case anything goes wrong.

When it comes to being realistic, we don’t just mean in terms of budget. You need to consider if the idea you have in mind will actually be feasible in the room you have. Whilst the vast majority of projects can be carried out to a good standard, if your space simply isn’t big enough for the required effect you’re looking for, it may be worth reconsidering the particular room you’re looking to revamp.

If you’re looking for a wide range of top-quality tiles from a trusted supplier for your next project, look no further than Roccia. We take great pride in stocking the most up-to-date tiles which are sure to meet your needs. Be sure to pop into our tile showroom in Preston or our tile showroom in Bolton, and one of our friendly experts will be more than happy to assist you.

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