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Create a Garden to be Proud of This Summer

Create a Garden to be Proud of This Summer

Believe it or not, the summer months are just around the corner. What better way to prepare for the scorching British summer than getting your garden ready for the inevitable heatwave?

If you were in deep thought about how to create the perfect summer-ready garden, then this article is for you. We will take you through some of the most important things you need to consider for your garden ahead of the summer months to ensure you have an outdoor space you can be proud of.

Outdoor tiles

Getting Started

Knowing where to start on a garden that has been left dormant throughout the autumn and winter months can be a tough task. The first and probably most important piece of advice we can give you is to put a plan in place and tackle your garden in sections. Heading into your garden with a spade and a whole lot of enthusiasm can only get you so far; when you inevitably become over-faced with the task at hand, you’ll be tempted to down tools and let your garden get out of control.

Fear not though, the fact that you are looking for tips on how to get your garden ready for those summer months so early means you have plenty of time to plan. We’d suggest going through the following steps when getting started:

  • Mow the Lawn – it’s likely that you’ve neglected your lawn over the colder months, so be sure to get this back under control as a matter of priority.
  • Prune Flowers and Shrubs – Pruning your flowers and shrubs towards the end of spring is vital, doing so will allow the new leaves and flower-heads to come through ready for summer.
  • Get Rid of Those Pesky Weeds – Weeds can take over your garden quite quickly, so when you’ve left them throughout autumn and winter, they can be quite difficult to tackle. Investing in some quality weed killer will do the trick and will have your garden looking fantastic again in next to no time.
  • Give Your Lawn a Health Boost – Throughout the winter months, your lawn will have been starved of most of the natural minerals it needs to thrive. You should definitely purchase some lawn feed to ensure your grass is thick and green come summer.

Remember, these steps don’t need to be completed back-to-back, maybe split these over a few days or possibly even a week. Once these steps have been completed, you have set up a fantastic foundation to really kickstart your garden’s summer transformation.


Installing a New Feature

Now that you have a well-kept garden, you might be tempted to add in a new feature to give your outdoor space a bit of a lift for the summer months. There are a number of things you could choose to add to your garden, from building a summerhouse to adding a water feature, the possibilities are pretty much endless.

Many homeowners are keen on adding a suitable seating area in their garden and with that in mind, installing outdoor tiles into your garden is a fantastic way to make the most of the outdoor space you have. There are a whole host of tiles you can choose to utilise depending on your home’s design, from stone effect outdoor tiles to wood effect outdoor tiles. There are some fantastic options available on the market today.

We’d suggest using outdoor tiles in your garden as an extension of your home, so you can simply step out into your garden and have an additional area for your whole family to enjoy. Installing a tiled area in your garden opens up a whole host of possibilities for your garden in summer, here are a few of our top tips on how to best utilise a new tiled area in your garden:

  • Add Furniture – Investing in some top-quality outdoor furniture can give your home a brand-new seating area for the benefit of your whole family. A comfortable and stylish seating area is a fantastic addition to any home and is perfect for entertaining both family and friends on summer days and nights. It also offers a fantastic place to come and relax after a hard day at work; basking in the sun whilst reading your favourite book is a great way to come down after a long day.
  • Create an Outdoor Dining Area – When you think of summer days in your garden, you inevitably think of a good BBQ. Purchasing high-quality outdoor dining tables and chairs offers the perfect opportunity to get family and friends together for a fantastic evening, with some freshly grilled foods from your BBQ. If a BBQ isn’t quite your thing, you could always opt to do your cooking in the kitchen and enjoy your food in the great outdoors!
  • Add Flower Beds – If you are keen on incorporating your tiled area into your garden seamlessly, you might want to consider adding some flowerbeds in and around your newly tiled outdoor space. By doing this, you can benefit from the added outdoor living area your tiles bring, whilst not completely losing your garden’s identity as a colourful and vibrant outdoor space.

Outdoor Tiles 1

Transforming your outdoor area can be a difficult process but is hugely rewarding when the summer months do hit. Be sure to take a look at our fantastic range of tiles which are ready to be installed into any garden, including our fantastic range of large format tiles which are perfect for both indoor and outdoor use.

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