The Adaptable Life of a Mosaic

If you haven’t seen our blogs ‘I Mosaic You a Question‘ and ‘Mix It Up With Modern Mosaics‘, you may not have realised just how much we love mosaic tiles and why not? The mosaic has been around a long time now; it’s managed to stand the test of time and fit in with our ever changing domestic designs in various forms. Never before have tiles been more domestically adaptable than the simple, efficient design of the mosaic. Its individuality offers a break in the every-day, drab painted walls and patterned wall paper. It offers up an unusual texture to your room, tantalising the senses and playing with the light cast by lamps, wall fixtures and natural sunlight seeping through your windows. All in all, the overall effect of a tiled room, the realistic necessity of tiles in your water based rooms and the durability of ceramics and pot on the household floor compared to fluffy carpet or hard wood is astounding.



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So why choose to have mosaic tiles in your home? What can they do for you?

Mosaic tiles come in a vast range of sizes, shapes, colours and textures, allowing you to design and pattern your tiled walls to your own stylistic preference. If, for instance, you need tiles in your kitchen and you want to create a warmth plain white tiles can’t provide, you can always look into warm beiges, creams and mute browns and oranges. Having a matt finish to your tiles can also help produce a warming farmhouse environment for the hub of your family life.


kitchen tiles


If you have a small bathroom and would like a little detailed design to border your cosy downstairs toilet, small Bling or Chicago mosaic tiles can work wonders. These tiles are small enough to not draw too much attention to them, but they add a little colour and sparkle, reflecting the bathroom’s light and adding a little design which can keep your bathroom walls tasteful without assaulting the senses.


even tiles


You may find your sitting room is too large for a typical coat of paint, and that a dash of wallpaper just isn’t going to expose the very best features of your room; large, modern tiles could bring about an eye catching design to wow your guests.


Mosaics Out of the Home

Mosaics aren’t just great tiles to use inside the home; you can also adapt mosaic tiles for outside use too. In the USA, some neighbourhoods in Pittsburgh are looking at ‘sprucing up’ their public steps with mosaics! Outside you say? Well yes! T hanks to being a hard wearing, durable material, it’s not just the test of time they can withstand, they also prove themselves against the onslaught of the British weather!


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The ability to mix and interchange tiles allows a mosaic to be anything from a beautiful, repetitive pattern, to stunning stories and images in mosaic murals on your floors and walls.

One of the best, and probably most commendable aspects of mosaic design, which has allowed it to adapt and fit into everyday life since its creation, is the way it inspires and innovates new designs and creations. A mosaic, as a pattern, can be reproduced with paper, clay, glass, shells, tin… pretty much anything you can get your hands on. It has created walls of startling glass tiles and children’s paintings of glued paper. It has spanned the decades in its many different forms and because of this, the mosaic, as a tile and a pattern, doesn’t seem to be leaving our domestic designs any time soon.

Because tiles and mosaic tiles adapt so well to the home, we have every kind of tile you could possibly be interested in. If you would like to see what kind of tiles and mosaic tiles we have to offer you, or if you would like to find out what types of mosaic designs we supply, contact us today on 01772 258998 for more information.

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